Axat City Hall France Use case Public Sector The City Hall of Axat Simplifies Visitor Management with Orion Appointment
City Hall of Lagny-sur-Marne France Use case Public Sector Lagny-sur-Marne City Hall: Testimonial on an ESII and Arpege installation
Pharmacy Le Forestier France Use case Health Pharmacy Le Forestier: testimonial on the single line at checkout
Analysis laboratory customer France Use case Health A group of medical analysis laboratories equips itself with the Keo-e kiosk
Caisse Nationale de Sécurité Sociale Djibouti Use case Public Sector National Social Security Fund of Djibouti: improving service to beneficiaries.
Intermarche France Use case Retail Enhancing the Customer Experience at Intermarché Express: eZQ™ Single Line