
Ticketless reception

Mobile reception with a tablet

Differentiate yourself and show the importance you give to your visitors thanks to a modern and innovative reception mode without ticket.

avatar esii

Avatar is an innovative solution that allows to welcome visitors with a mobile device (computer or tablet).

Equipped with a tablet, your staff welcome customers, ask the purpose visit and select in Avatar the customer’s details (gender, apparel, first name, etc.). This information is sent to the appropriate salesperson so that he can easily find his next customer in the store.

Avatar does not require any installation, it is available via a browser on a tablet or a computer.

Contact us!

Ask for more information about Avatar.

>> Benefits of Avatar

Mobility for the salespersons
Customer free to browse
Modern & innovative

Download the brochure

Please fill out the form to download your brochure about Avatar, the ticketless reception.


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A top range reception

With your tablet, you welcome your customers when they arrive. While you inquire about their visit purpose, you create their avatar thanks to the pictograms and the range of colors.

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An improved customer experience

Now included in the virtual queue, the customer can browse the store without checking video screen or worrying about his call number. In due time, he is easily identified by the salesperson thanks to the avatar on the tablet.

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