« The Weasy, allows to give a waiting time to the customer and allows to free him from wait. The average basket increased between 8% and 10% on average. »
The pharmacy Grande Pharmacie Montchaninoise has considerably increased its business size following a merger. This generated great confusion in the patient journey, drastically increasing conflicts at the various counters. All this dissatisfaction has led to a drop in the average basket.
Thanks to our experience, we were able to restore the situation with the solution, now known and recognized by pharmacists, Weasy.
“The pharmacy having doubled in size following the merger, we quickly found ourselves with permanent conflicts between customers, at the various counters, because they had no idea of the who was first. As everyone had the impression of losing his turn in the queue, this generated dissatisfaction. The fear of being passed in the queue led customers to stop shopping in the pharmacy, which generated a decrease of the average basket.
I looked a lot at what was being done in terms of waiting management and I came to the conclusion that I did not want a ticket. I didn’t want people to stay focused on their number. People had to be able to browse the pharmacy.
I learned about the Weasy solution thanks to a colleague who has it. I knew this was what I needed.
The average basket increased between 8% and 10% on average.
The modernity of the waiting system is very popular with customers. This generates a very significant satisfaction, which is expressed for example on the Google Business page of the pharmacy by positive opinions.
The Weasy, allows to give a waiting time to the customer and allows to free him from wait. We gain a seamless experience and more serenity.”
Sebastien Landrot – Pharmacist – Grande pharmacie Montchaninoise